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Our Curriculum
Cimplik is a Waldorf-inspired Preschool located at Central Jakarta for both local and expat families with children age 2 to 4 years old.
Cimplik believes that the best way to help children succeed is to teach them to be creative, confident thinkers. That means offering them opportunities for hands-on exploration and discovery that help build lifelong critical thinking skills and foster
The specific methods used in Cimplik come from the view that the child develops through a number of basic stages from childhood to adulthood.
Our curriculum specifically designed to work with the child through these stages of development. The students will explore real-life related topics to keep them
motivated, curious, challenged and instil a love of learning.
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Events & Workshops

Parenting Workshop
Once a month, there will be a parenting workshop with experienced psychologist.
Setiap satu kali dalam sebulan kami akan mengadakan parenting workshop dengan mengundang psikolog berpengalaman.
Samantha Jonson